

Our research is rooted in impact. Because of this, we not only publish papers, but also have a wide range of reports, comments, letters and multimedia.

News date
Press Release: Tick Zero's Real Climate Solutions

By the end of the century, over one billion people living near the equator are at risk of starvation as a result of climate change. We know that the surface temperature of our planet is increasing, and while we are legally committed to reaching zero emissions, we’re not on track. To help individuals take action, a  climate mitigation research group at the University of Cambridge have launched Tick Zero — a campaign that will help everyone start their journey to zero emissions.

10 November 2022
Absolute Zero

Read our groundbreaking report on mapping the road to a zero emissions society, Absolute Zero, which was debated in the House of Lords in February 2020.

11 November 2020
Green paper response: Industrial Metamorphosis

Click image above to download


12 May 2017
A Study of Regretted Purchases in the UK

A new paper from the Use Less Group paper presents findings from a nationally representative household survey on the tendency to regret purchases across 20 product groups. The survey reveals that the vast majority of adults in Great Britain (82%) have regretted a purchase in the past. Post-purchase regret is shown to be particularly prevalent for clothing & footwear and takeaway food. The tendency to regret purchases appears to reduce with age and to be more common amongst white collar rather than blue collar workers.

24 October 2016
WholeSEM releases report on bioenergy

The wholeSEM project has released a new report: Modelling energy systems - How much bioenergy feedst

28 June 2016
A bright future for UK steel

Professor Julian Allwood, Head of the Use Less Group, argues that British steel could be saved, if the industry is willing to transform itself.



13 April 2016


The Use Less Group publishes papers across our themes and projects. The diversity of our work is well represented, with topics ranging for example from novel metal forming processes through strategies for material reuse to mapping energy flows with an eye to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

View all papers

Our book

One of Bill Gates six top books for 2015, Sustainable Materials with Both Eyes Open by Julian Allwood, Dr Jonathan Cullen and colleagues presents an optimistic, entertaining and richly informed evaluation of the sustainable management of our growing demand for materials.

Read the book


We are increasingly using video to create a living record of our work. Over time we aim to build up a library showing the full range of the exciting and innovative projects carried out by the group.



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