What Contribution Could Industrial Symbiosis Make to Mitigating Industrial Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in Bulk Material Production? |
Feasible supply of steel and cement within a carbon budget is likely to fall short of expected global demand |
Material Flow Analysis with Multiple Material Characteristics to Assess the Potential for Flat Steel Prompt Scrap Prevention and Diversion without Remelting |
Scrap, carbon and cost savings from the adoption of flexible nested blanking |
Preventing wetting between liquid copper and solid steel: a simple extraction technique |
How much cement can we do without? Lessons from cement material flows in the UK |
Finding the Most Efficient Way to Remove Residual Copper from Steel Scrap |
How Will Copper Contamination Constrain Future Global Steel Recycling? |
Testing the greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential of alternative strategies for the english housing stock |
Energy and material efficiency of steel powder metallurgy |
The impact of reducing car weight on global emissions: the future fleet in Great Britain |
Potential for energy savings by heat recovery in an integrated steel supply chain |
Material Stock Demographics: Cars in Great Britain |
The influence of UK emissions reduction targets on the emissions of the global steel industry |