UK FIRES is a 5-year research programme funded by £5m of UKRI support and the subscriptions of an active and growing industrial consortium. With academics from six universities spanning from materials engineering through data science to economics, corporate strategy and policy and an industry consortium spanning from mining through construction and manufacturing to final goods.

Zero Emissions

UK FIRES stands for placing Resource Efficiency at the heart of the UK’s Future Industrial Strategy. When we proposed UK FIRES, it was to focus on Resource Efficiency as the key means to reduce industrial emissions. However, in 2019, both houses of Parliament unanimously approved a change to the UK’s climate change act to target zero emissions in 2050. This has been reinforced by recent Government targets for 2030 and 2035.

So, although we haven’t changed our name to UK FIZES, our focus is now on placing Zero Emissions at the heart of the UK’s Future Industrial Strategy.

UK FIRES takes a pragmatic approach: we focus only on technologies that are available to us today and exclude those that have yet to be proven at meaningful scale, since they simply may not be ready in time. In 2050 we aim to meet the energy demand of UK society by non-emitting electricity generation.

Absolute Zero

In December 2019, UK FIRES released the “Absolute Zero” report, a ground-breaking description of the operation of the UK with zero emissions by 2050, without relying on as as-yet un-scaled energy sector or negative emissions technologies.  This pragmatic but striking view of the journey to zero emissions has attracted widespread interest including a full debate in the House of Lords in February 2020. Following the report, at the request of the UK Catapults, the UK FIRES team have been working through industry-focused workshops to develop five sectoral innovation reports to reveal the wealth of business growth opportunity revealed by the Absolute Zero analysis.  These will be released during 2021.

Absolute Zero by Professor Julian Allwood


UK FIRES blog posts

Read more at: Rishi Sunak’s commitment to ‘long-term interests’ is anything but the case

Rishi Sunak’s commitment to ‘long-term interests’ is anything but the case

– Sam Stephenson – 21st September 2023

The Prime Minister’s announcement to cut green policies means we won’t be meeting our climate targets – sacrificing our planetary and economic health for no real benefit.

Read more at: Is Absolute Zero pessimistic about UK energy supplies?

Is Absolute Zero pessimistic about UK energy supplies?

- Professor Julian Allwood, March 2023

The most common response we receive when we present Absolute Zero to governmental or incumbent commercial audiences is “Oh, but your forecast of future energy supplies is far too low. You should be more optimistic.”

Read more at: Economics does not hold the key to solving Climate Change

Economics does not hold the key to solving Climate Change

- Professor Julian Allwood, June 2022

We had a hot week, but that’s not the problem. The Bonn Climate Conference last week prioritised financing and compensation for loss and damage, but that’s not the solution. Energy prices are high, and that’s a hint. Food prices are high and will rise further as the Ukraine invasion leads to fertiliser shortages. That’s a portent. And perhaps, if we take notice, we might at last recognise what Climate Change is really about.

Read more at: The solution space discussed at COP26 is unrealisable: comparing supply and demand for the three zero-emissions resources

The solution space discussed at COP26 is unrealisable: comparing supply and demand for the three zero-emissions resources

- Professor Julian Allwood, November 2021