All papers

Title Authors Year Research Area
A computational paradigm for the optimisation of steel building structures based on cost and carbon indexes in early design stages S. Eleftheriadis, C.F. Dunant, M.P. Drewniok, W. Rogers-Tizard 2017
A fast model of thermal camber evolution in metal rolling for on-line use S. Jarrett, J. M. Allwood 1999
A General Nonlinear Least Squares Data Reconciliation and Estimation Method for Material Flow Analysis G.M. Kopec, J. M. Allwood, J. M. Cullen, D. Ralph 2015
A Global Assessment of Manufacturing: Economic Development, Energy Use, Carbon Emissions, and the Potential for Energy Efficiency and Materials Recycling T. G. Gutowski, J. M. Allwood, C. Herrmann, S. Sahni 2013
A marginal abatement cost curve for material efficiency accounting for uncertainty Cyrille F. Dunant Alexandra C.H. Skelton Michał P. Drewniok Jonathan M. Cullen Julian M. Allwood 2019
A multi-method approach for analysing the potential employment impacts of material efficiency S. Cooper, A. C.H. Skelton, A. Owen, D. Densley-Tingley, J. M. Allwood 2016
A Novel Method for the Rapid Production of Inexpensive Dies and Moulds with Surfaces Made by Incremental Sheet Forming J. M. Allwood, A. N. Bramley, T. W. Ridgman, A. R. Mileham 2005
A novel process for transforming sheet metal blanks: ridged die forming M. A. Carruth, J. M. Allwood 2013
A Review of the Mechanics of Metal Spinning O. Music, J. M. Allwood, K. Kawai 2010
A structured search for applications of the incremental sheet-forming process by product segmentation J. M. Allwood, A. N. Bramley, T. W. Ridgman, A. R. Mileham 2005
A structured search for novel manufacturing processes leading to a periodic table of ring rolling machines J. M. Allwood 2007
A survey of flexible forming processes in Japan J. M. Allwood, H. Utsunomiya 2006
Achievable geometries in flexible radial profile ring rolling C. J. Cleaver, J. M. Allwood 2015
An approach to scenario analysis of the sustainability of an industrial sector applied to clothing and textiles in the UK J.M. Allwood, S.E. Laursen, S.N. Russell, C. Malvido de Rodríguez, N.M.P. Bocken 2008
An experimental analysis of the relationship between the corner, die and punch radii in forming isolated flanged shrink corners from Al 5251 Horton, P. M.; Allwood, J. M.; Cleaver, C.; Nagy-Sochacki, A. 2020
An incremental solution method for rough contact problems J. A. Allwood 2005
An integrated representation of the services provided by global water resources E. Curmi, K. Richards, R. Fenner, J. M. Allwood, G. M. Kopec, B. Bajželj 2013
Assessing the potential of yield improvements, through process scrap reduction, for energy and CO2 abatement in the steel and aluminium sectors R. L. Milford, J. M. Allwood, J. M. Cullen 2011
Assessing the CO2 impact of current and future rail track in the UK R. L. Milford, J. M. Allwood 2010
Asymmetric Single Point Incremental Forming of Sheet Metal J. Jeswiet, F. Micari, G. Hirt, A. Bramley, J. Duflou, J. M. Allwood 2005
Automatic design of sheet metal forming processes by “un-forming” E. G. Loukaides, J. M. Allwood 2016
Bulk forming of sheet metal M. Merklein, J. M. Allwood, B. A. Behrens, A. Brosius, H. Hagenah, K. Kuzman, K. Mori, A. E. Tekkaya, A. Weckenmann 2012
Catchment Level Water Resource Constraints on UK Policies for Low-Carbon Energy System Transitions by 2030 D Konodu, R. A. Fenner 2017
China’s Energy-Water Nexus – Assessment Of The Energy’s Sector Compliance With The “3 Red Lines” Industrial Water Policy Y. Quin, E. Curmi, G. M. Kopec, J. M. Allwood, K. S. Richards 2015
Closed-loop control of product properties in metal forming: a review and prospectus J. A. Polyblank, J. M. Allwooda, S. R. Duncan 2014
Closed-loop feedback control of product properties in flexible metal forming processes with mobile tools J. M. Allwood, O. Music, A. Raithathna, S. R. Duncan 2009
Comparing energy and material efficiency rebound effects: an exploration of scenarios in the GEM-E3 macroeconomic model Skelton, A. C. H.; Paroussos, L.; Allwood, J. M. 2020
Component level strategies for exploiting the lifespan of steel in products D. R. Cooper, A. C.H. Skelton, M. C. Moynihan, J. M. Allwood, 2014
Curvature Development in Ring Rolling Christopher J. Cleaver, Julian M. Allwood 2019
Design and Use of a Novel Sample Design for Formability Testing in Pure Shear D.R. Shouler, J. M. Allwood 2010
Designing climate change mitigation plans that add up B. Bajželj, J. M. Allwood, J. M. Cullen 2013
Desktop paper recycling: A survey of novel technologies that might recycle office paper within the office T. A. M. Counsell, J. M. Allwood 2006
Development of a tool for rapidly assessing the implementation difficulty and emissions benefits of innovations N.M.P. Bocken, J.M. Allwood, A.R. Willey, J.M.H. King 2012
Development of an eco-ideation tool to identify stepwise greenhouse gas emissions reduction options for consumer goods N.M.P. Bocken, J.M. Allwood, A.R. Willey, J.M.H. King 2011
Dynamic modelling of cross-directional actuators: Implications for control S. R. Duncan, J. M. Allwood, W. P. Heath, K. W. Corscadden 2000
Electric recycling of Portland cement at scale C. F. Dunant, S. Joseph, R. Prajapati J. M. Allwood 2024
Energy and material efficiency of steel powder metallurgy José M.C .Azevedo André Cabrera Serrenho Julian M.Allwood 2018
Environmental evaluation of localising production as a strategy for sustainable development: a case study of two consumer goods in Jamaica S. N. Russell, J. M. Allwood 2008
Fast modelling of roll stack behaviour for control applications J. M. Allwood, G. F. Bryant 1997
Finding the Most Efficient Way to Remove Residual Copper from Steel Scrap Katrin E. Daehn André Cabrera Serrenho Julian Allwood 2018
Flexible asymmetric spinning O. Music, J. M. Allwood 2011
Generalised forming limit diagrams showing increased forming limits with non-planar stress states J. M. Allwood, D. R. Shouler 2009
Good early stage design decisions can halve embodied CO2 and lower structural frames’ cost Cyrille F.Dunant, Michał P.Drewniok, John J.Orr, Julian M.Allwood 2021
How energy demand and wellbeing change as we use our time differently S. R. Davies R. C. Lupton J.M. Allwood 2024
How much cement can we do without? Lessons from cement material flows in the UK W. Shanks C.F. Dunant Michał P. Drewniok R.C. Lupton A. Serrenho Julian M. Allwood 2018
How Will Copper Contamination Constrain Future Global Steel Recycling? Katrin E. Daehn André Cabrera Serrenho Julian M. Allwood 2018
Hybrid Sankey diagrams: Visual analysis of multidimensional data for understanding resource use R.C.Lupton J.M.Allwood 2018
Implementing material efficiency in practice: A case study to improve the material utilisation of automotive sheet metal components Philippa Maia Horton Julian M. Allwood Christopher Cleaver 2019
Importance of food-demand management for climate mitigation B. Bajželj, K. S. Richards, J. M. Allwood, P. Smith, J. S. Dennis, E. Curmi, C. A. Gilligan 2014
Incremental Bulk Forming P. Groche, D. Fritsche, E.A. Tekkaya, J.M. Allwood, G. Hirt, R. Neugebauer 2007
Incremental forming of sandwich panels K.P. Jacksona, J.M. Allwood, M. Landert 2009
Incremental Material Flow Analysis with Bayesian Inference R C Lupton J M Allwood 2018
Influence of the Rheological Properties of SCC on the Formwork Pressure Drewniok M.P., Cygan G., Gołaszewski J. 2017
International risk of food insecurity and mass mortality in a runaway global warming scenario C.E. Richards, H.L. Gauch, J.M. Allwood 2023
Land Use Implications Of Future Energy System Trajectories—The Case Of The UK 2050 Carbon Plan D. Konadu, Z. S. Mourão, J. M. Allwood, K. S. Richards, G. Kopec, R. McMahon, R. Fenner 2015
Lean manufacturing in temperature dependent processes with interruptions W. L. Lee, J. M. Allwood 2003
Manufacturing at double the speed J. M. Allwood, T. H.C. Childs, A. T. Clare, A. K.M. De Silva, V. Dhokia, I. M. Hutchings, R. K. Leach, D. R. Leal-Ayala, S. Lowth, C. E. Majewski, A. Marzano, J. Mehnen, A. Nassehi, E. Ozturk, M. H. Raffles, R Roy, I. Shyha, S. Turner 2016
Mapping the global flow of aluminium: from liquid aluminium to end-use goods J. M. Cullen, J. M. Allwood 2013
Mapping the global flow of steel: from steelmaking to end-use goods J. M. Cullen, J. M. Allwood, M. D. Bambach 2012
Mapping the global flow of tungsten to identify key material efficiency and supply security opportunities D. Leal, J. M. Allwood, E. Petavratzi, T. J. Brown, G. Gunn 2015
Material Demand Reduction and Closed-Loop Recycling Automotive Aluminium Philippa Horton Julian Allwood Paul Cassell Christopher Edwards 2019
Material Efficiency: a White Paper J. M. Allwood, M. F. Ashby, T. G. Gutowski, Ernst Worrell 2011
Material Efficiency: providing material services with less material production J. M. Allwood, M. F. Ashby, T. G. Gutowski, E. Worrell 2013
Material Flow Analysis with Multiple Material Characteristics to Assess the Potential for Flat Steel Prompt Scrap Prevention and Diversion without Remelting Flint, Iain P.; Cabrera Serrenho, André; Lupton, Richard C.; Allwood, Julian M. 2020
Material Stock Demographics: Cars in Great Britain A. Cabrera Serrenho, J. M. Allwood 2016
Measurement and control of variable geometry during ring rolling M. R. Arthington, C. J. Cleaver, J. M. Allwood, S. R. Duncan 2015
Metal forming beyond shaping: predicting and setting product properties A.E. Tekkaya, J.M. Allwood, P.F. Bariani, S. Bruschi, J. Cao, S. Gramlich, P. Groche, G. Hirt, T. Ishikawa, C. Löbbe, J. Lueg-Althoff, M. Merklein, W.Z. Misiolek, M. Pietrzyk, R. Shivpuri, J. Yanagimoto 2015
Model based evaluation of the effect of horizontal roll offset on cross-directional control performance in cold strip rolling J. M. Allwood 2002
Mortar as a model to predict self-compacting concrete rheological properties as a function of time and temperature Gołaszewski J., Kostrzanowska-Siedlarz A., Cygan G., Drewniok M. P. 2016
Not all low-carbon energy pathways are environmentally “no-regrets” options D. Konadu, Z. S. Mourão, J. M. Allwood, K.S. Richards, G. M. Kopec, R. A. McMahon, R. A. Fenner 2015
Options for achieving a 50% cut in industrial carbon emissions by 2050 J. M. Allwood, J. M. Cullen, R. L. Milford 2010
Options to make steel reuse profitable: An analysis of cost and risk distribution across the UK construction value chain C. F. Dunant, M. P. Drewniok, M. Sansom, S. Corbey, J. M. Cullen, and J. M. Allwood 2018
Options to make steel reuse profitable: An analysis of cost and risk distribution across the UK construction value chain Cyrille F. Dunant Michał P. Drewniok Michael Sansom Simon Corbey Jonathan M.Cullen Julian M.Allwood 2018
Paddle Forming: a Novel Class of Sheet Metal Forming Processes J.M. Allwood, D.R. Shouler 2007
Paper un-printing: using lasers to remove toner-print in order to reuse office paper D. Leal, J. M. Allwood, T. A. M. Counsell 2011
Parametric Toolpath Design in Metal Spinning J. A. Polyblank, J. M. Allwood 2015
Potential for energy savings by heat recovery in an integrated steel supply chain M. McBrien, A. Cabrera Serrenho, J. M. Allwood 2016
Preventing wetting between liquid copper and solid steel: a simple extraction technique Daehn, Kathrin E.; Gonzalez Cabrera Honorio Serrenho, Andre; Allwood, Julian 2019
Product Life Trade-Offs: What If Products Fail Early? A. C. H. Skelton, J. M. Allwood 2013
Raising by spinning Russo, I. M.; Cleaver, C. J.; Loukaides, E. G.; Allwood, J. M. 2020
Re-framing the threat of global warming: an empirical causal loop diagram of climate change, food insecurity and societal collapse Richards, C. E.; Lupton, R. C.; Allwood, J. M. 2021
Real and perceived barriers to steel reuse across the UK construction value chain Cyrille F. Dunant, Michał P. Drewniok, Michael Sansom, Simon Corbey, Julian M. Allwood, Jonathan M. Cullen 2017
Real-time measurement of ring-rolling geometry using low-cost hardware M. R. Arthington, C. J. Cleaver, J. M. Allwood, S. R. Duncan 2014
Reducing climate change gas emissions by cutting out stages in the life cycle of office paper T. A. M. Counsell, J. M. Allwood 2007
Reducing energy demand: what are the practical limits? J. M. Cullen, J. M. Allwood, E. H. Borgstein 2011
Regularity and optimisation practice in steel structural frames in real design cases Cyrille F. Dunant Michał P. Drewniok Stathis Eleftheriadis Jonathan M. Cullen Julian M. Allwood 2019
Reusing Steel and Aluminium Components at End of Product Life D. R. Cooper, J. M. Allwood 2012
Ring rolling with variable wall thickness C. J. Cleaver, M. R. Arthington, S. Mortazavi, J. M. Allwood 2016
Scrap, carbon and cost savings from the adoption of flexible nested blanking Flint, I. P.; Allwood, J. M.; Serrenho, A. C. 2019
Seven principles of toolpath design in conventional metal spinning Russo IM, Cleaver CJ, Allwood JM 2021
Socio-technical factors influencing current trends in material throughput in the UK automotive industry Simone Cooper, Brendan J. Doody, Julian M. Allwood 2017
Strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of consumer goods by influencing stakeholders N. M. P. Bocken, J. M. Allwood 2012
Successful steel reuse in the UK – key aspects why it happened Drewniok Michał P. , Dunant Cyrille F. , Allwood Julian M. , Cullen Jonathan M. 2017
Survey and Performance Assessment of Solution Methods for Elastic Rough Contact Problems J. M. Allwood 2005
Tailor Blank Casting - Control Of Sheet Width Using An Electromagnetic Edge Dam In Aluminium Twin Roll Casting M. McBrien, J. M. Allwood, N. S. Barekar 2015
Technology or behaviour? Balanced disruption in the race to net zero emissions Nelson S, Allwood JM 2021
Technology to the rescue? Techno-scientific practices in the United Kingdom Net Zero Strategy and their role in locking in high energy decarbonisation pathways Stephenson, S Allwood, J 2023
Testing the greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential of alternative strategies for the english housing stock André Cabrera Serrenho Michal Drewniok Cyrille Dunant Julian M. Allwood 2018
The analysis and design of spatial control systems in strip metal rolling S. R. Duncan, J. M. Allwood, S. S. Garimella 1998
The design of an agent for modelling supply chain network dynamics J. M. Allwood, J-H. Lee 2005
The development of a hot rolling process for variable cross-section I-beams M. A. Carruth, J. M. Allwood 2012
The development of ring rolling technology J. M. Allwood, A. E. Tekkaya, T. F. Stanistreet 2005
The development of ring rolling technology : Part 2 Investigation of process behaviour and production equipment J. M. Allwood, A. E. Tekkaya, T. F. Stanistreet 2005
The effect of partially cut-out blanks on geometric accuracy in incremental sheet forming J. M. Allwood, D. Braun, O. Music 2010
The efficient use of energy: tracing the global flow of energy from fuel to service J. M. Cullen, J. M. Allwood 2010
The Energy Required to Produce Materials: Constraints on Energy Intensity Improvements, Parameters of Demand T. G. Gutowski, S. Sahni, J. M. Allwood, M. F. Ashby, E. Worrell 2013
The flow of steel into the construction sector M. C. Moynihan, J. M. Allwood 2012
The impact of job rotation on problem solving skills J. M. Allwood, W. L. lee 2004
The impact of reducing car weight on global emissions: the future fleet in Great Britain André Cabrera Serrenho Jonathan Norman Julian Allwood 2017
The incentives for material efficiency along the steel sector supply chain: an analysis using input output techniques A. C. H. Skelton, J. M. Allwood 2013
The influence of constraint rolls on temperature evolution and distribution in radial ring rolling Lohmar, J.; Cleaver, C. J.; Allwood, J. M. 2020
The influence of deformation conditions in solid-state aluminium welding processes on the resulting weld strength D. R. Cooper, J. M. Allwood 2014
The influence of part asymmetry on the achievable forming height in multi-pass spinning Russo, Iacopo M.; Cleaver, Christopher J.; Allwood, Julian M.; Loukaides, Evripides G. 2020
The influence of UK emissions reduction targets on the emissions of the global steel industry A. Cabrera Serrenho, Z. Sobral Mourão, J. Norman, J. M. Cullen, J. M. Allwood 2015
The mechanics of incremental sheet forming K. Jackson, J. Allwood 2009
The potential for reducing metal demand through lightweight product design M. A. Carruth, J. M. Allwood, M. C. Moynihan 2011
The re-direction of small deposit mining: Technological solutions for raw materials supply security in a whole systems context Moore, K. R.; Whyte, N.; Roberts, D.; Allwood, J.; Leal-Ayala, D. R.; Bertrand, G.; Bloodworth, A. J. 2021
The role of washing machines in LCA studies J. M. Cullen, J. M. Allwood 2009
The Roles of Energy and Material Efficiency in Meeting Steel Industry CO2 Targets R. L. Milford, S. Pauliuk, J. M. Allwood, D. B. Müller 2013
The steel scrap age S. Pauliuk, R. L. Milford, D. B. Müller, J. M. Allwood 2013
The structured development of a simulation based learning tool for the Taguchi Method J. M. Allwood, B. M. Cox, S. S. Latif 2002
The Technical and Commercial Potential of an Incremental Ring Rolling Process J.M. Allwood, R. Kopp, D. Michels, O. Music, M. Öztop, T.F. Stanistreet, A.E. Tekkaya, I. Tiedemman 2005
The technological and social timelines of climate mitigation: Lessons from 12 past transitions Nelson, S.; Allwood, J. M. 2021
The Use Of Energy In China: Tracing The Flow Of Energy From Primary Source To Demand Driver L. Ma, J. M. Allwood, J. M. Cullen, Z. Li 2012
The use of spatial impulse responses to characterise flexible forming processes with mobile tools O. Music, J. M. Allwood 2012
The use of spatial impulse responses to characterise flexible forming processes with mobile tools O. Music, J. M. Allwood 2011
Theoretical efficiency limits in energy conversion devices J. M. Cullen, J. M. Allwood 2010
Toner-print removal from paper by long and ultrashort pulsed lasers D. R. Leal, J. M. Allwood, M. Schmidt, I. Alexeev 2012
Toolpath generation for asymmetric mandrel-free spinning Iacopo M.Russo Evripides G.Loukaides 2018
Transitions to material efficiency in the UK steel economy J. M. Allwood 2013
Using abrasives to remove toner-print so that office paper might be reused T. A. M. Counsell, J. M. Allwood 2008
Using solvents to remove a toner-print so that office paper might be reused J. M. Allwood 2009
Utilization of structural steel in buildings M. C. Moynihan, J. M. Allwood 2014
Viability and performance of demountable composite connectors M. C. Moynihan, J. M. Allwood 2014
Visualising a stochastic model of California water resources using Sankey diagrams E. Curmi , R. Fenner, K. Richards, J. M. Allwood, B. Bajželj, G. M. Kopec 2013
What Do We Know About Metal Recycling Rates? T. E. Graedel, J. M. Allwood, J-P. Birat, M. Buchert, C. Hagelüken, B. K. Reck, S. F. Sibley, G. Sonnemann 2011
Why are Material Efficiency Solutions a Limited Part of the Climate Policy Agenda? An application of the Multiple Streams Framework to UK policy on CO2 emissions from cars Simone Cooper-Searle, Finbarr Livesey, Julian M. Allwood 2017