What Contribution Could Industrial Symbiosis Make to Mitigating Industrial Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in Bulk Material Production? |
Electric recycling of Portland cement at scale |
What bulk material production is possible on a transition to net zero emissions by 2050 with limited zero emissions resources? |
How energy demand and wellbeing change as we use our time differently |
Feasible supply of steel and cement within a carbon budget is likely to fall short of expected global demand |
Technology to the rescue? Techno-scientific practices in the United Kingdom Net Zero Strategy and their role in locking in high energy decarbonisation pathways |
International risk of food insecurity and mass mortality in a runaway global warming scenario |
The re-direction of small deposit mining: Technological solutions for raw materials supply security in a whole systems context |
Good early stage design decisions can halve embodied CO2 and lower structural frames’ cost |
Re-framing the threat of global warming: an empirical causal loop diagram of climate change, food insecurity and societal collapse |
Seven principles of toolpath design in conventional metal spinning |
The technological and social timelines of climate mitigation: Lessons from 12 past transitions |
Technology or behaviour? Balanced disruption in the race to net zero emissions |
An experimental analysis of the relationship between the corner, die and punch radii in forming isolated flanged shrink corners from Al 5251 |
Raising by spinning |
Comparing energy and material efficiency rebound effects: an exploration of scenarios in the GEM-E3 macroeconomic model |
The influence of part asymmetry on the achievable forming height in multi-pass spinning |
The influence of constraint rolls on temperature evolution and distribution in radial ring rolling |
Material Flow Analysis with Multiple Material Characteristics to Assess the Potential for Flat Steel Prompt Scrap Prevention and Diversion without Remelting |
Preventing wetting between liquid copper and solid steel: a simple extraction technique |
Regularity and optimisation practice in steel structural frames in real design cases |
A marginal abatement cost curve for material efficiency accounting for uncertainty |
Curvature Development in Ring Rolling |
Implementing material efficiency in practice: A case study to improve the material utilisation of automotive sheet metal components |
Scrap, carbon and cost savings from the adoption of flexible nested blanking |
Material Demand Reduction and Closed-Loop Recycling Automotive Aluminium |
Options to make steel reuse profitable: An analysis of cost and risk distribution across the UK construction value chain |
Testing the greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential of alternative strategies for the english housing stock |
How Will Copper Contamination Constrain Future Global Steel Recycling? |
Energy and material efficiency of steel powder metallurgy |
Hybrid Sankey diagrams: Visual analysis of multidimensional data for understanding resource use |
How much cement can we do without? Lessons from cement material flows in the UK |
Incremental Material Flow Analysis with Bayesian Inference |
Finding the Most Efficient Way to Remove Residual Copper from Steel Scrap |
The impact of reducing car weight on global emissions: the future fleet in Great Britain |
Successful steel reuse in the UK – key aspects why it happened |
Real and perceived barriers to steel reuse across the UK construction value chain |
Socio-technical factors influencing current trends in material throughput in the UK automotive industry |
Why are Material Efficiency Solutions a Limited Part of the Climate Policy Agenda? An application of the Multiple Streams Framework to UK policy on CO2 emissions from cars |
Ring rolling with variable wall thickness |
Manufacturing at double the speed |
Material Stock Demographics: Cars in Great Britain |
Automatic design of sheet metal forming processes by “un-forming” |
A multi-method approach for analysing the potential employment impacts of material efficiency |
Potential for energy savings by heat recovery in an integrated steel supply chain |
Parametric Toolpath Design in Metal Spinning |
Achievable geometries in flexible radial profile ring rolling |
Not all low-carbon energy pathways are environmentally “no-regrets” options |
Mapping the global flow of tungsten to identify key material efficiency and supply security opportunities |
A General Nonlinear Least Squares Data Reconciliation and Estimation Method for Material Flow Analysis |
The influence of UK emissions reduction targets on the emissions of the global steel industry |
Metal forming beyond shaping: predicting and setting product properties |
China’s Energy-Water Nexus – Assessment Of The Energy’s Sector Compliance With The “3 Red Lines” Industrial Water Policy |
Tailor Blank Casting - Control Of Sheet Width Using An Electromagnetic Edge Dam In Aluminium Twin Roll Casting |
Land Use Implications Of Future Energy System Trajectories—The Case Of The UK 2050 Carbon Plan |
Measurement and control of variable geometry during ring rolling |
Viability and performance of demountable composite connectors |
Closed-loop control of product properties in metal forming: a review and prospectus |
Utilization of structural steel in buildings |
The influence of deformation conditions in solid-state aluminium welding processes on the resulting weld strength |
Real-time measurement of ring-rolling geometry using low-cost hardware |
Component level strategies for exploiting the lifespan of steel in products |
Importance of food-demand management for climate mitigation |
The incentives for material efficiency along the steel sector supply chain: an analysis using input output techniques |
The Roles of Energy and Material Efficiency in Meeting Steel Industry CO2 Targets |
Material Efficiency: providing material services with less material production |
The Energy Required to Produce Materials: Constraints on Energy Intensity Improvements, Parameters of Demand |
A Global Assessment of Manufacturing: Economic Development, Energy Use, Carbon Emissions, and the Potential for Energy Efficiency and Materials Recycling |
Transitions to material efficiency in the UK steel economy |
An integrated representation of the services provided by global water resources |
Product Life Trade-Offs: What If Products Fail Early? |
Designing climate change mitigation plans that add up |
Visualising a stochastic model of California water resources using Sankey diagrams |
A novel process for transforming sheet metal blanks: ridged die forming |
Mapping the global flow of aluminium: from liquid aluminium to end-use goods |
The steel scrap age |
Strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of consumer goods by influencing stakeholders |
Bulk forming of sheet metal |
Toner-print removal from paper by long and ultrashort pulsed lasers |
Reusing Steel and Aluminium Components at End of Product Life |
The flow of steel into the construction sector |
Development of a tool for rapidly assessing the implementation difficulty and emissions benefits of innovations |
Mapping the global flow of steel: from steelmaking to end-use goods |
The use of spatial impulse responses to characterise flexible forming processes with mobile tools |
The development of a hot rolling process for variable cross-section I-beams |
The Use Of Energy In China: Tracing The Flow Of Energy From Primary Source To Demand Driver |
Flexible asymmetric spinning |
Material Efficiency: a White Paper |
Assessing the potential of yield improvements, through process scrap reduction, for energy and CO2 abatement in the steel and aluminium sectors |
The use of spatial impulse responses to characterise flexible forming processes with mobile tools |
The potential for reducing metal demand through lightweight product design |
Paper un-printing: using lasers to remove toner-print in order to reuse office paper |
What Do We Know About Metal Recycling Rates? |
Development of an eco-ideation tool to identify stepwise greenhouse gas emissions reduction options for consumer goods |
Reducing energy demand: what are the practical limits? |
The effect of partially cut-out blanks on geometric accuracy in incremental sheet forming |
Options for achieving a 50% cut in industrial carbon emissions by 2050 |
Design and Use of a Novel Sample Design for Formability Testing in Pure Shear |
Theoretical efficiency limits in energy conversion devices |
A Review of the Mechanics of Metal Spinning |